Useful Advice For Dragonkin or Otherkin

Jafira's Advice For Dragonkin

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Separated Into Three Categories, The first regards the pursuit of dragon and otherkin spirituality, the second, briefly touches upon metaphysics, and the third touches upon advice for life in general. These are all quotes that I have given as advice to others in the past.

As relevant now, as the time they were written, use them as you please, to each their own, Good Luck.



(These are snippets and comments I had saved from past discussions with others)

Regarding the Pursuit of Draconity and Otherkin Beliefs:

"In regards to your newfound spirituality, take it slow, relax and don't dive in too quickly. Meditate and relax on the matter, let the feelings, memories, sensations, whatever need happen, happen slowly. That way you can gain from and acknowledge each new experience individually rather than in a rush, you will learn more and grow better that way. Remember, the spirit knows what it is, even if the mind does not. Learn a bit at a time, with each day a new journey."


“Draconity is about faith and spiritual growth, therein like any other belief, all we can do is learn as we go and make the necessary corrections as needed.”


“It seems that a fictional character may manifest as a spiritual aspect down the line, and have the same name, but not personality or appearance, it just seems feasible that an inner part of one's spirit or subconscious memory may attempt to manifest part of itself through our creative works.”


“But! In regards to having a fictional character being a part of who you really are, one important thing to remember is that there is a fine line between fantasy and reality, it is possible, theoretical, and may happen on rare occasion, but such beliefs require immense amounts of personal honesty and soul searching in order to be certain that it is truly the case, most often it is not.”


“Whether being otherkin is possible or not is yet to be determined, it could be simple self-delusion, or real, it is the same with magick, religious faith and any other variety of metaphysics or philosophy, it is all relative to one's individual perceptions.”


“As said, it is simply perception, I cannot state anything metaphysical as fact, it is all relative, just what I as an individual have perceived and experienced.”


“In regards to guides and spiritual companions, the important thing is, regardless of origin, be it from within or not, they are here to help us and guide us through this life and that is what matters most, though we may not always have all the answers, they are here with us on this journey.”


“My awakening(s) were sporadic and often times tense, there were many bouts were I would shift between acceptance and denial. There were many occasions in my past when my spiritual beliefs gave me pride and strength, others when they brought me down and to the brink of insanity, there were times in which they helped and times in which they were my greatest threat.”


“But as a result of my draconity and unique spirituality in general, I have had and witnessed experiences that most in the mundane side of life would never have experienced or known. Despite the heartaches and mistakes of my past and present, through all the fluff and spiritual self-exploration, pain and lessons, I would gladly do such again at a moment's notice. I shudder to think of what and who I would be if I had not awakened as I had, if I was not at least in mind or spirit, a dragon.”


“If you should find yourself in falsehood, hit the reset button, start over from scratch to your earliest evidence of draconity and build upon it slowly, reforming your own personal truths on perceived fact, and do not fear the results no matter how uncomfortable it may be, remember it is important above all else, to seek truth over delusion, and approach with patience and confidence in what you are in your heart and soul.”


“When my original draconic beliefs collapsed from advert falsehood, I was devastated, but I slowly rebuilt my belief on a strong basis of what I knew in my heart to be true, it was not as epic or fantastical as my original beliefs, but it was based on the perceived truth in my heart, and I could be confident that no matter what, I knew who and what I was, and that I was a black western dragon, if nothing else, then in spirit.”


"I have observed that someone who may meditate or search within themselves often, would be more likely to connect with a possible spiritual experience, whereas someone who is not spiritually introspective may never awaken to any spiritual influence, or may awaken much later in life after triggering a spiritual connection by chance or external influence."


“Through my awakenings and spiritual growth I have met people and learned things I could never possibly have imagined, far from the benign expectations of life in modern society, I have danced with witches, studied under shamans, learned of deity and our creator through unique perspectives, I have had unique pains and trials that most average individuals could not comprehend or would seldom consider, and these have made my life, though tumultuous, incredibly and uniquely awesome.”


"I started working to separate fact from fiction, learned not to make up my draconity as I went, but to rather search myself deeply to best understand my beliefs. Lastly I learned that draconity requires a lot of faith, as unlike other beliefs it is not well accepted by most individuals, it is best to be discerning who you tell. But it is also, as I learned, something that you cannot run away from without causing a good extent of pain in the process. The most important thing I learned is that it is a never ending journey of self-discovery"


“It is important to visit nature, not for fallacious experiments to return home for our lost loved ones and families, nor to return to our perceived true forms, but rather, to simply remember who and what we are, that we are different, and to know we have a place where we can be different, nature becomes a portal to our homelands not in the physical sense, but rather an emotional and spiritual sense, there, at those locations we are safe from the pains and judgments of this world, if only for a little while, we can be free to be that which we truly are.”


"Remember, not everyone will accept everything, do not cause yourself undue harm needlessly, recall that what is rational to some, will be irrational to others, we each exist in our own reality, study how others may interact and if it will be right for you, speak only that which they should know or will understand, your spirituality is most relevant to yourself, others need not know your deepest truths unless the others are trustworthy or you wish them known."


Your spiritual identity is not your world, it is only a single aspect of the greater picture of who you are, do not cling to a life now perished, so much so that you miss out on the experiences, joys and lessons of this present life.

Regarding Metaphysics:

(In my youth I used to dabble in the occult)

“Once during a ritual at 11pm Nov 11th 2003, there was a deafening explosion in the sky above me, I was so shocked it snapped the reality back into me. That is the point, that I humbled myself and matured to respect that I was but a child, we cannot know all that there is to know, we exist to learn, to live, to experience our individual realities, unfettered arrogance and pride will only bring only negative results.”


“Rituals in my perception are unnecessary, they are simply a method of focusing intent is all, when working with energy or magick, the importance is to focus on your intention, you need to focus solely on your will for a desired result to occur, rituals are just one of many methods of focusing your intention or will to manifest.”


“I have a staff with a crystal on it, the staff is a focus point for my energy, if I focus my thoughts into it, I can then focus my intention through the staff to obtain a desired effect. The staff itself is just wood and a stone, but it is used as a tool to focus my will through, hand gestures can work just as easily, so too, a pendant or a ring, an athame, or anything else so long as you can focus your will and intent to obtain the desired effect.”


“Remember: real or not, tulpa's: “self-created or external spiritual beings” will only remain so long as they are needed, it is the intention for the companionship that keeps their presence strong, with strong doubts they will leave or be drawn back to your spirit, with intent they are strong, but inevitably in all things you must eventually grow into self-reliance, cherish them while there are present, but know that one day they must set you free.”


“Spells, are simply a poetic tool to manifest intent, in the case of spells you are just focusing your intention through words and rhythm.”


“Once the door to spirituality and ethereal energy has been opened, it is fairly hard to turn a blind eye and go back to the way things once were, all things exist of an energy, once one becomes aware of such, one is driven to learn more of it. That's all I can say really.”


“All I can give as advice to you or any others, is to always be honest with your spirituality, question that which you know, have the experience or evidence to back up the basis of your perceptions, never stop exploring your inner self, seek the questions to who and what you are, always seek to know your place, and never cease to learn.”

Regarding Life In General:

“Through constructive criticism is how we grow, it is just a matter of keeping the trolls out of the mix.”


“Remember that we will likely awaken to that which will benefit us most when we need it the most, one thing at a time, a little bit at a time, always be patient as what you believe this year may not be what you believe a year from now, don't fear to change your perceptions or admit that you were wrong, but do insure that it is what is true for you, and not what others would want to be true for you. Remember always, meditate, explore, know yourself, and never cease to learn.”


"Though the use of all of your available resources you can become the person you wish to be, through your will and determination you can make all things possible, you can shape your world as you see fit, you can aid others, you can teach others, and you can learn from others. While external forces will work to bring you down, you can always draw strength from inside and that makes you infinitely strong against the woes of life. Remember that no matter what may happen, or what had occurred in the past, your spirit will always love you and will always be there to give you strength from within."


"Cheer up, and realize that pain only exists if you allow it to, by dwelling on the past and the negatives of the present you deny yourself foresight to the positives ahead."


"Instead of dwelling on what could have been, or what should be, instead focus on what can be, remember that your destiny is not predetermined, but only placed on a path, if you choose to follow that path then you allow for mendacity to rule you, but if you stray off that path and create your own, you then can control your own destiny. Thereby live each day as if it were your last, create your own path in life, seek adventure, ignore pain and find laughter in all things."


"Nobody simply wakes up with all the answers about themselves and the world around them, by this I mean we have all been confused at one point or another, it's only natural."


"In a church, one has the benefit that everyone has the same core principles and perceptions of reality and belief, but in regards to individual spirituality, it is different, each individual has their own personal perception of what is right for them, sometimes it may conflict with what is right for others, that doesn't mean that either party is wrong, it just means that they are on different spiritual paths, separate journeys."


"I have learned that, when I'm placed in a situation where my spiritual perceptions are challenged, the best that I can do is state sincerely what I believe and the basis behind it, that every spirit exists on its own journey, and that this is my own, it may not be the same as yours, but we can strive to avoid that which divides us, and embrace that which we have in common."


"Most problems are temporary, they only remain because you dwell on them. Live each day anew and leave the past where it belongs, try to always focus on the present and the future, because they are what matter most in the long run. Don't ever be afraid to vent, it doesn't make you weak, only giving up will do that. Through support you will find you are not alone and that others can relate, through example you can learn that there is hope for a better tomorrow."


"Do not take my words as gospel, people are too quick to seek truth in others, do not believe others so readily, but rather, rely on your heart and own critical thinking to determine what is true or false. First listen to others, then decide for yourself, be both skeptic and open minded, self-reliant and true to what you may choose to believe."


Respect your elders, and avoid fluff, if you don't know ask around, stay true to your perceptions, but do not cling to falsehoods, always be in search of the truth in all things, most adamantly, the truth of your inner being.


"As a dragon you are unique in mind and spirit, you are special in your beliefs and experience an enhanced view on life, stretch your wings and fly with pride."

"Dragons, masters of the past flying through dreams that will always last, I await that day when they'll return as I awaken to the knowledge which I still must learn."

"May the spirit of the dragon live on in all who believe."



I am always happy to meet new people so if you have something to ask, or just want to chat don't be afraid to contact me.



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