What's New?
News for September - February
(Monday Feb, 7th 2005)
Well, how I managed to avoid writing in this section between September until now is beyond me, aside from just dropping quick updates on the main page to show that I was still alive I haven't been doing much. So I think I can condense all the updates that happened between July and now onto a single page.
Updates to the site.
Changes to main page: Altered between the two types of homepages before finally deciding to maintain the classic look. Moved the "dragon rants" to the "about my dragons" page then renamed it to "dragon-talk" revamped the dragon-rants to be just that, rants about dragon related topics. I updated the dragon media section, revamped the links added some graphics around the site and fixed typos.
For Dragons: Nothing much, I'm currently a Forum admin. at Dragon's Empire's new Forum come check it out at Dragons Empire. Also Dragon-realms now features a comic for it's members, and Draconomicon is making some changes in it's administration to set up a support structure for new members.
Other changes: Not many major changes that weren't mentioned above, Mojo Lahojo is now the administrator of the draconity forum.
Featured Art section: Still, Nothing, I'm still wondering if starting that was a bad idea...
Community: As mentioned in the past, we have a new Phpbb forum complete with three theme styles, and a decent avatar gallery, the boards range from dragons & draconity, to Art and Literature, other boards include the Role-playing Forums and Nonsense Boards not to mention a verity of other categories we need new members, so feel free to join in.
Last Month
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