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Jafira Dragon's Blog and Ramblings |
Jafira's Ramblings..
Jafira's thoughts- blog, journal and general ramblings.
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Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:30 pm Jafira  |
Jafira's Draconity
Information about Jafira's spirituality and dragons.
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Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:46 pm Jafira  |
Dragon Information |
Dragon Info and Interests
Basic Dragon Information, Topics, Mythology, Theories, Dracopedia Project, Sources and References.
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Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:44 pm Jafira  |
Otherkin Spirituality |
Otherkin and Draconity Guide
This section is designed to discuss ideas, concepts and speculations regarding the idea of otherkinsm. In as such, it is controversial.
If you happen to be hypersensitive concerning outside beliefs or are firm and biased in other philosophies, don't bother reading this stuff if you are likely to be offended.
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Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:39 pm Jafira  |
Otherkin and Draconity Advice
A collection of advice letters Jafira has written in the past.
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Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:02 pm Jafira  |
Jafira's Dragon Literature |
The Tycosian Saga
Fictional story's based off the perceived history and timeline of Korageth's home world, as well as an exaggerated representation of his life and accomplishments, interactions with others of his kind and so forth.
The stories of this section were written collectively around the year 2002 and were based loosely off interpretations of Korageth's perceived life, but heavily diluted with assumptions and fantasy.
Although in my youth I had considered these works a literal history book of sorts, they obviously no longer match up with the perceived reality of my spirituality. Still, they can hopefully remain relevant today as a series of short fantasy stories.
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Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:21 pm Jafira  |
About Jafira's Dragons
Jafira's Dragons Past and Present, their mixed origins as possible past incarnations and "head mates" as well as their effect on his spirituality and fictional stories.
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Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:39 pm Jafira  |
Supplementary Story Content
This contains a little extra information concerning the world portrayed within the above stories, it covers topics regarding my dragons and characters, the Tycosian Language, various landmarks and general information of that variety.
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Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:08 pm Jafira  |
Jafira's old Poems
This is my ancient poetry mostly written while in high school, I should mention that most of the poetry may be fairly odd, representative of my early awakening stages when I had a lesser understanding of myself or my perceived understanding of my draconity.
Overall I am greatly embarrassed by these ancient writings and tend not to discuss them much.
But for the purpose of disclosure, as well, as a desire not to censor my past or forget where it is I came from, both literary and otherwise, I have kept these available.
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Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:52 pm Jafira  |