Jafira Reclusive Lizard
Joined: Jul 22, 2012 Posts: 185 Location: Arizona
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:20 pm Post subject: Being a dragon or otherkin: |
Being a dragon or otherkin:
Being a dragon or otherkin means a lot to the individual, but nothing to those outside the individual. By proclaiming yourself to be otherkin you open yourself to all matter of accusation and social abandonment, it is not something that should be assumed or claimed due to some form of fad or game, it is definitely not something you should do to be popular or fit in, as that is an obvious failure as far as goals go.
In proclaiming yourself otherkin, you are open to the assumptions of mental or emotional ineptness, spiritual confusion, and any number of similar such claims, if you are in a religious family, expect a hell of an ordeal, if you have popular friends, or are high on the social latter, best keep your mouth shut.
You better damn well know what your getting into before you make such a claim, because you have some struggle ahead, and you best keep quiet about it and in the shadows until you know yourself well enough that you can handle the social, psychological and spiritual responsibility of putting up with all manner of outcomes associated with such.
I can't stress this enough, do not assume you are otherkin just because you got some warm fluffy feelings from a dragon movie, a book, or played some game that snapped you into the idea. If you think you are otherkin there will be plenty of signs or evidence beyond such mediocre examples that I had given.
In examining an awakening strive to gather evidence outside of mere feelings alone and work to be able to rationalize why you believe such. That way, when and if you do ever get confronted on such, you can defend your spiritual opinion without coming off as a complete whack job.
Know yourself, don't let others tell you what to believe, balance your spiritual or philosophical belief that you are otherkin, with the possibility that you may not be, remain open to both possibilities and keep in mind that no matter what the case, you are still human and have human responsibilities, school, grades, work, college, relationships, your future, if any of these suffer because of your beliefs, take a step back and reprioritize your goals and mindset. We don't need confused people claiming to be otherkin and messing up their lives over it, its not good for you, nor does it reflect good on us as a whole.
So, with all that said, remember always to question all things, research both sides, know yourself, base your beliefs on at least some form of evidence however remote it may be, even if it is just some dreams, visions, phantom sensations, an attraction to the creature(s) in question, in association with said creature(s), emotional longings, spiritual companions, spiritual experiences, perceived memories of another world or life, whatever it may be, but question all of them and have some line of evidence for your beliefs rather then just jumping into these beliefs just because it may be a fad or feel right at the time.
As well, be ready for the responsibilities that come accompanying these beliefs, this isn't a game, you either are an otherkin or your not, if you are, it will probably make itself quite noticeable and undeniable, if you are not, that's fine, you can still hang out with us, or whatever you want, but for your own sake, don't try to be something your not, it will only screw you up in the end. If you are otherkin and you know yourself and what you perceive to be true, your fine, this rant is not for you, just be mature about your perceived spirituality and your fine. _________________ Jafira ~ The Tycosian Dragon Visit The Forum |