N.A.F.D Project NEO
Build a New Altfandra website to act as the center of dragon society. It
would Resurrect the original Afd community with links to features and
useful content of our current communities. If built it would attempt to
unite all of dragon
society together.
New AFD:
The New AFD (N-AFD) If built, would attempt to unite dragon society
by acting as a heart or center. it would link with Sister sites and
smaller communities and provide access to specifically selected content
from major communities in one convenient location, These would be called
Community Shared Features (CSF's) for example links to "Find a
Dragon","Dracopedia's," "Name Generator," and
"The Dragon Classification" system would all be provided in
one location in addition to the url of it's Creators home.
(permission to link to content would be requested from the
webmasters(s) with all credits due.)
New AFD would also contain Updated information from the original
AFD site, A new copy of the names of AFD, Also links to sites
containing Draconity FAQ's and any other useful information.

The New AFD:
Some dragon fans are simply searching for dragon information or have
a great liking of dragons yet, may want nothing to do with the deeper
aspects of draconity and otherkin. Therefore the new AFD would have
two separate forums, one for basic casual discussions about Dragons,
Mythology, Literature, Art and Roleplaying. And another forum for the
more spiritual aspects of Draconity, Otherkin, Magick Ect.
AFD forum currently exists it would just need to be revamped/advertised.
Then I would provide/construct a second one!)
from Sommerland and Tempest from D.R.A.G.O.N.S could both be possible
applicants for providing general info on dragons.
from Tysha's Dragon Forum or Baxil from Tomorrowlands could both be
possible applicants for gathering info and artilces regarding draconity
in addition to possibly aiding in other content during the construction
of N-afd
addition to the two forums the #AFD Chat would be resurrected and
available through Java support to those who do not already have a default chat
AFD Newsgroup:
There would also be links and info for the AFD Newsgroup so that we can begin
resurrecting an interest in it.
Community Shared Features (CSF)
(Community Shared Features)
About the
CSF's: The
csf's are features which are useful for dragon society, We'd like to
feature links to the content on the original site, another option which
would be strictly voluntary is that N-AFD could mirrior or republish
the content with all credits due to the original site/creators.
Possible Uses for the
N-AFD's CSF's:
These are the CSF content which could be provided at NAFD
DMBH: Name Generator.
Journals feature. (We would llike a member journal feature designed
into the N-AFD site: similar to Draconomicons.
A link to Draconic's Find a dragon could possibly be added to the New
Links to Dragons empire's Dragon Classification could also be featured at the New AFD.
and T-Sar-Goth's Dracopedias:-->
Links to The encyclopedias of Tysha and Draconomicon could be added
to make a complete and extensive view of everything draconic.
<--Tysha's Dracopedia
CSF's links would be provided to the new AFD with permission, and will
contain appropriate Links and Credits to the webmasters and their sites.
(CSF content could be mirriored at N-AFD
but participation would be voluntary)
things N-AFD could have built:
Links to membermaps could be available to the New-Altfandra,
Example: The
member maps could possibly work hand in hand with Find a Dragon and
be useful in arranging local dragon gatherings,
(Members could possibly have preference between viewing DR's map
or Draconic's)
nice thing to have would be links to Dragoncode Generator/Decoders- Dragon Realms/Dragons Empire.
just for Fun: If possible New altfandra could feature links to Dragon
color/personaility/Draconity tests.
The Nafd would hopefully have it's own Member Galleries with links to the galleries
of the sistersites, much like those of Draconomicon and
DMBH also included could be an improved version of the original AFD's Sketch of the week.
The New AFD's galleries would feature Links to the available galleries of
Sister Sites.
and News:
AFD members could have the option to submit Relevant News and Articles. (Article
and News submissions would be Moderated) Links to the news of sistersite could
also be available.
and Poetry:
The New AFD could have a page were members can display there own Literature
and poetry, links to story/article sites could also be submitted by
Nafd's members. (Literature/Poetry would be moderated.)
This would also link to the Literature sections of
the sister sites.
The New AFD could feature links to Tysha's Online store, (Under
online store,
and J`Karrah Ebondragon's online store. Links to members Cafepress sites
would also be included within these sections.
Web Directory:
Aside from linking to the current Alt-Fan-Dragons directory,
The New Altfandra would contain it's own dragon directories and would contain
links to the available Directories of Sister Sites.
Link Database
Dragons Empire: Link Database
Must Be Here: Dragon Directory
Draconic's: Link section
Aside from links the N-AFD could possibly feature it's own dragon information sections! (Possible sources of dragon
Mythology: Dragon's Empire, Circle of the dragon, D.R.A.G.O.N.S,
Also included with the dragon mythology section there could be links to pages providing information on dragon, Anatomy, Taxonomy, Theories, Ect.
And Games:
This section would feature links to available dragon themed games and animations
in addition to other dragon quiz's and dragon related entertainment such as Mucks ect.
< --- Drakoja seems to have some of the above stated Animations/Games..
Sister Sites:
Tysha's Dragon Forum,
Dragons Must Be Here,
Dragons Empire.
Sister Sites:
Draconic, Nukapai,net
Dragon- Realms
Nukapie.net . Drakoja (?)
of dragon society would hopefully have a center in the New AFD, All
major communities would link to N-AFD and N-AFD would link back. Thus
we would have a dragon network- An entire online society for dragons,
friends, and people to meet up and get together.
such a large network could be disheartening to lesser sites it
would be important to recognize the achievements of smaller dragon sites
By use of monthly site fight contests.
like the Top site competition at DMBH's
the forums could possibly have monthly contests to recognize the
achievements of members: Art, Poetry, and Literature.
the contests currently held at Tysha's Forum)
increase traffic to smaller dragon sites the original AFD webring would be
revived and made available. Also banners of members sites could possibly be displayed at the top of NAFD's homepage.
will try to fund / host such a site myself. as such a site might be
(Member donations could be accepted but not
required or asked for)
Since I do not currently have the Skills, or Knowledge, and also
due to the amount of requested links/content credited to others I
cannot build this N-AFD alone... When/If
construction begins, some coding for the site would be appreciated,
If possibly provided for through support by any Admins or members willing
to donate time to the cause.
New AFD could be designed by any who would be willing to participate in
it's construction. It would be nice to comission well know artists such as J`Karrah, Jrrhack, or Dreatcheal help out with graphics or the design.
The best
possible applicants to help design/build such a site would be pretty much anyone with knowledge of PHP
webdesign and some excess time to spare.
note: we will try to host the site and build/design it, but it'd be appreciated if others could
help providing necessary coding / link support.)
No one
would be required to submit links to their site or content - participation
in N-AFD would be strictly voluntary.