RANT: Homosexual Rights

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:: Disclaimer: I am from a religious town and as a result, I have a lot of anger at religious dogma, many of these rants may be against deeply held beliefs, I try my best to make it a point to target only the the hardcore fundamentalists and not the moderates but please, if you are likely to be offended please do not read these rants.::

Rant: Homosexual Rights

(By Jafira)

I will never understand the hatred that people have for homosexuals, why? What is the reason for the hatred, there is none! No homosexual has harmed you or the populace, and if any have actually caused some physical harm it does not merit the destruction of an entire sub culture. The things I've heard are ridiculous, primarily the “homosexual agenda” to destroy the world. How does obtaining civil rights and equal understanding destroy families and create the downfall of nations? What destroys a family is when a homosexual is disowned by their intolerant families, what destroys a nation is when well working yet different people are wrongfully discriminated against due to ignorance and fear.

Lets try the homosexual agenda phrase in other civil rights areas and look at how it sounds, the women’s rights movement, “the feminine agenda” did that ruin families and lifestyles? How about the African civil rights movement? “The Black agenda” did that ruin the world? Calling a civil rights movement a conspiracy is irrational fear mongering. I find many people wanting gay marriage and civil unions banned nationally, and that in my opinion is morally inexcusable! I question anyone to give me a legitimate reason why not to allow equal treatment for homosexual relationships, with the full inclusion of state recognized marriage! One that does not have a religious basis for that matter, state marriage any form of recognition. I can tell you that there is none!

Who is the church to say that a homosexual relationship is not as loving or valid as a heterosexual relationship? In a secular society the church should not have the power to deny homosexual couples state recognition of their relationship through marriage. As well who is the government to deny homosexuals the same rights as heterosexual couples. I can't stand the discrimination that takes place in our “civilized” society. The church often states in their criticisms that homosexual couples are to promiscuous to be granted marriages, what hypocrisy, of course their promiscuous if they believe their relationships are worthless!

If granted marriage they'd have a reason to remain with their partners! You can't use a situation which you yourself have directly contributed to as a reason to withhold equal rights! If granted marriages the homosexuals would likely be no more promiscuous then heterosexual couples, and disease within homosexual communities would likely decrease dramatically as a result, once again you can't use a problem which you indirectly created as in excuse to deny equal rights.

If you loved your spouse and were denied recognition how would you feel? If your relationship caused your family to disown you how would you feel? If your relationship and love for another cost you your social status or job how would you feel? This is done to homosexual couples daily under unreasonable circumstances, this must stop. There are no reasonable none religious reasons not to treat homosexuals relationships as equal. Oh, but what about the children you say?

What about them? They will learn that there are different types of people in the world. They will learn tolerance and acceptance for differences. How terrible this would be? and as for sexuality, sex is a fact of life, if the people are homosexual they will come out, the only difference is they won't be forced to live a miserable lie to placate an intolerable society.

Furthermore in regards to the children, why is it that children should rather rot in an orphanage growing up to be bitter underprivileged adults when two loving homosexual partners would be willing to provide a kind loving home? Do you honestly fear they would brainwash the child rather then let him or her find their own path? You are naive and ignorant fools! Even indoctrination into a subculture is better and more beneficial then growing up in a loveless orphanage! Have you no heart beneath your unjustified views?

There is no reason politically or socially not to accept homosexuals as a part of our diverse world! As for religious views, homosexuality is a sin! So what?! So is practically everything else in this world, unless you are an Amish don't preach sin to me! You have no place to force your religious views on a secular society! A Christian tempted by homosexuality will make the right choice base on his or her views, however the church has no right to force morality on a populace which wants nothing to do with such matters! It only harms the image of the church when it claims to love everybody and then seeks to restricts the rights and privileges of a large cultural populace.

It looks even more ridiculous when this same church then claims discrimination and forced indoctrination when the homosexual culture attempts to defend itself from societal oppression. Listen, When I was eighteen years old I despised homosexuals with a passion! I hated them! I even wrote a two page rant similar in manner to this one against homosexuality, but then I did some soul searching and discovered that I was part of the problem, I only hated gays because everyone else did, I had no reason. I was filled with hate out of fear of people whom were different, people who were different and unlike myself.

That alone was insufficient reason so I stopped, and I hope you all see the same that you are wrong and unjustified in your hatred and distrust. I would like you also to consider the immense amount of research suggesting that homosexuality is a genetic trait, that a theory exists that many people may have a dormant or active homosexual gene influencing their behavior.

Most people who overcome homosexuality to my understanding tend to be miserable as a result. So keep in mind, that by suppressing homosexuality you are possibly forcing people to go against genetic influences for the sake of making you and the rest of society feel slightly less nervous or afraid. What right do you have to force such lifestyles on people whom you simply disgust or chose to despise? Simply put your fears and differences aside grant them the same rights that everyone else has.

Do it so they can move out of the shadows and into society where they belong, so that they can feel safe and secure in their relationships, so that they can stay together rather then with others, avoid disease, and contribute their part to society, let them be a part of our diverse world without being hated and despised for things they cannot and should not change. Let them live their lives without discrimination for their orientation, it doesn't hurt you, and since it doesn't hurt you, you don't have any right to be offended.

I would like you to consider a challenge, if you are so adamant that being homosexual is a choice; I challenge you to try it! Try to be attracted to the same sex for a week or two! Prove it's a choice! If it were really a choice why would people choose to ruin their lives? Think about it. It is not a choice, it is who they are. You have no right to discriminate against who somebody is. If you still feel that homosexuals are detrimental to society, if you still feel that homosexuals will destroy your family and our nation, I encourage you to ask yourself why?

Disregard religious views as they have no place in our secular society, your reason must be non-religious, why do you still choose to see them as subhuman, ask yourself? I hope you learn something new. For those whom support the homosexual movement I thank you for having the caring and emotional stamina to support such people in a society such as ours. For those who do not support the homosexual rights movements, I simply encourage you to ask yourself why you would deprive anyone the right to peaceably express their love simply because it does not conform to your lifestyle.

Lastly, for the record I am one hundred percent straight! However I'll be damned if I'm going to allow others to discriminate simply because somebody may be different in their orientation. This is a diverse world, and a new age of technology, communication and civility, a new world culture, the old ways of intolerance are dying!

Why keep intolerance alive by continuing to discriminate against innocent or misunderstood people? We live in the 2000 era, why are we still seeking petty differences to hate one another? Please seek understanding for the good of future generations don't let our history be tainted by such intolerance any further. Move on for the sake of our society and culture, and for the good of man kind intolerance and bigotry under the guise of religious or cultural premise must end!!

~Jafira Dragon.

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