Circle Themed, and Metaphysically Related Dream Logs
Dream Journal's From 2004-2008. Circle Themed, and Metaphysically Related Dream Logs From 2004-2008. _________________________________________________________ Sunday, Oct 17, 2004: I did so and saw what looked to be a comet but very small. I went inside my house and got a can of Barqs root beer and came back out. The person claiming to be my brother was looking towards the Gold field mountains to the south of my house. I looked as well and he said "It's here" I saw what looked like fireworks then a giant explosion behind the mountains. The explosion engulfed the mountains and started getting closer I jumped on to my bike which was nearby and got a few feet away before I was caught up in the blast, I woke up panicky, looked at the time. 5:00am had a drink and went back to sleep. _________________________________________________________ (2005 Recurring dream related to riparian habitat (Oasis Area) and dragon transformation. Janurary-May)
Second Occurrence: I had a dream were I left my friends to head towards my oasis area, but when I arrived at the riparian habitat I found that I was in some alternate form of it, I explored the area and found abandoned buildings, I continued exploring the area and came across a large mountain or hill, where in the waking world would normally be a dividing hill separating the oasis area from a man made canal. I felt that I could get a good view of the landscape if I climbed to the top. I climbed up the mountain easily and looked at the area below, it was a large forest with circular cement structures strewn about, at the top of the mountain it was flat and flowed like a road, I saw my mother in this area who told me to climb back down, I said that it was too steep, and she told me to slide, I did so and nearly slid off a cliff, I stopped myself and was stuck on a ledge. I got a good view of a tube like cement building in the forest below and noted an entrance at the bottom I wanted to examine it but was trapped on the ledge until I woke up. Third Occurrence: I had a dream that I was on top of a mountain following a road, there was a forest at the base of the mountain to my left, following the mountain path that I was on, I noted that the sun began to set, I passed by three stone circles similar to the spirit circle, though larger and noted them on my journey to the end of the path, I eventually was nearing the end and saw ahead of me a temple like structure but I awoke before I arrived at it. Fourth Occurrence: I had this dream on May 20th 2005, In this dream I went to the edge of my oasis area, at this location there is an artificial hill built to separate the oasis area from a man made canal, In my dream I had found three steel doors in the hill, opening the far right door I found myself in a building which had an interior similar to that of the inside of a naval ship, everything was steel and I seemed to be in what appeared like living quarters, there was a microwave a table, a bed built into an indented area of the wall and some other living necessities, I went out the door on the other side and ended up in the forest area from prior dreams. I went in the second of three doors and found myself in a room full of technology of all sorts, I could see into a third room through a glass window and it appeared to be a laboratory. I went back out the other door and ended back up in my oasis area again, it seemed that this facility separated my waking world from this alternate dream world. I entered into the third door and confirmed that it was in fact a laboratory. I somehow activated an assembly line and was attacked by a robot of some sort, I ran back out the door and into the room with the technology were I messed with buttons until the assembly line and robot shut down, I then looked out the door and saw in the distance, that Spririteye and Jakes camper was backing into the front door of the white house from prior dreams, I went back into the living quarters of the underground complex and came out the other side into the dream reality. I started to explore the forest area and begin to climb the hill separating that world from my town, I got to the top and could still see Jakes camper backed into the door of the white house, I considered going over to determine why but felt it was to far away, I then went back inside the third door of the compound and started trying to figure out the mechanisms. Something told me only I could access these underground compounds dividing the worlds and therefore I would need to learn what the building was and what the devices did, I wanted to go searching for the cylindrical building from before but decided against it for some reason, I eventually sat down at a table and woke up from the dream.
The man then waved his hand and I was in the form of a small green dragon, I was told that as I progressed I would be able to transcend the form on my own, and that it would grow quickly. The two teens then transformed into similar dragons and separated, I was asked by the female to go with her, I followed her through what appeared to be my oasis area until we got to a cave and passed through it, we ended up on the other side of a mountain apparently (from recurring dreams) separating my oasis area from another world, the two of us still in dragon form proceeded to explore until it got dark, we wouldn't have time to walk back to the others and I suggested we fly, but she said I didn't know how yet. Walking back to the mountain that separated this world from my town I noticed a cave not to high up, I thought I could jump from it and try to fly, I began climbing the rocks which was very difficult in the new form, (at this point I noted that I had black scales rather then green and was a bit larger) upon nearing the cave and being nearly exhausted from the climb I noticed the other was climbing faster then me and became a bit jealous that she had more experience in this form then I did. Upon reaching the cave I noted that it barely went in at all and was quite small. The female said that we should rest and I agreed. The sunset was blinding us a bit as it shone directly into the crevice, the female lifted her wing and used it to block the entrance, while at the same time sort of hugging me in a manner. I told her not to get to comfortable as we had to go back, I then noted she had fallen asleep then I blacked out, I awoke curled up and noted the sunshine shining from beneath her wing which was still blocking the entrance. I awoke her and she said something, which I forgot. She then glided down from the cave and told me to climb. I told her I could fly fine. (At this point I noted that I was small and green again) I jumped from the ledge, tried to glide and begun to fall, I then begin flapping the wings but they were to small to be of any use and I fell, I landed and was hurt badly, upon getting up I noticed that the impact had somehow caused me to revert to my normal human form fully clothed with necklace and rings included. I was then escorted back by the female who left me at the entrance. At this point I assumed that the old man was the females father or keeper and begin apologizing for taking her so far away and keeping her overnight, I explained how we had both fallen asleep and apologized again. He said it was okay and that she could take care of herself he then told me that I had to continue my training and practice with the new form, he motioned for me to look at the other kid, who's name I forgot, he was outside by my bus on his back lifting weights with his foreclaws while in the form of a small green dragon,. I then asked how to return to that form and he told me I had the power within me and to keep trying, I then left the building or vehicle and starting concentrating on transforming, but got no results. I went over to speak with the dragon lifting the weights but he had left, I found nearby a black remote like device with a single red button, I pressed it a few times expecting it to be an artificial mechanism for transformation. It didn't work, I then returned to the old man and he told me that only I could transcend to the new form and to continue trying. We were then driving down a nearby street in what appeared to be Spiriteye's van, were going to the library near an elementary school but were going the wrong way, I took time out from my attempts to transform and mentioned we were going the opposite direction from were we needed to go. The old man said “no we're not” and we somehow were arriving at the library, I was dropped off at the nearby elementary school with the two teens now in human form, we separated and I went to a classroom, I sat in a desk and kept trying to transform back to the dragon remembering what the man had said, that only I could do it. I then noticed a weird little lizard watching me, and reacting to my thoughts, for a second I thought I was the lizard but realized that I was still in the desk and that it was only reacting to my thoughts, furthermore it was not a dragon or even dragon like in appearance but rather a miniature twisted version of a lizard that I had seen in Star wars episode III. I put my head down on the desk and recalled everything that had lead to this point and remembered again the old man saying that only I could transcend to the new form and to keep trying, I then stood up in the desk, decided to look around noticed that I was in a white room with a window but nothing else. I considered trying one last time to focus all my concentration on a transformation when Korageth’s voice said something which I vaguely remember as something along the lines of “first feel, then envision, then sense, then change.” And I started to do something but my first alarm for school went off, I tried to continue the dream but failed. _________________________________________________________ Sun, Jul 03, 2005: Upon getting to the base of the mountain, I could not proceed any further as there was a natural wall of rock blocking my path, I turned to look towards the mountain again, and saw the cement or white marble structures which now appeared to be three large spires or pillars in a roll leading towards the mountain, also a nearby marble building similar to some sort of roman temple or odd church, this was located near the base of the flat iron. I started walking towards the building waist deep in water, Still in the water I was met by a stranger in a Roman style robe, only it was purple and gold. He claimed to be the curator of the museum (I believe he was referring to the building) and he asked me to follow him in order to return home. Together we went through the water until I got to the building, noted that my bike was nearby, I then entered the building, at which point the dream got vague as I begun to wake up. I recall the interior of the building had golden tiled floors though, I then woke up, the dream was so vivid however that it took me a few seconds to snap back to reality upon awakening. _________________________________________________________ Mon, Sep 12, 2005: He and his family were alongside his van which was apparently broke down, he said it was time to go, and him and a large group of homeless men began walking down the towns main street which appeared to be Southern in the waking world, there were storm clouds above us, I followed them to see were they were going. Many of the people in the group appeared as silhouette others had features and were all in rags, I in my average clothes was the finest dressed in the group and obviously did not belong, I picked up a small pipe for defense against whatever these people were moving away from, Spiriteye and his family got lost in the group. I felt out of place and left the line of travelers following from a distance across the street they were on, the line of people were continuous and the further I walked near them the more battered and damaged the town and environment (scene) became. I was eventually awoken by a warning alarm which told me I had an hour to prepare for class. hit snooze, dream did not continue. Unsure of it's meaning, I seemed to be at peak health and unaffected by whatever had affected the people in the dream. _________________________________________________________ Mon, Sep 19, 2005: _________________________________________________________ Wed, Oct 05,
2005: I immediately jumped up from my sleep and screamed: what was that?!, turning to the left of my bed (East) I saw what I believe to have been a gray hooded entity, a shadowy cloaked silhouette, it looked like the classic grim reaper, but with darkness rather then a skulled face. I quickly jumped out of my bed to confront it, at which point it seemed to quickly back away into a corner of my room and vanish through my wall. Being slightly disoriented I searched around for a light switch and begin flipping on the lights in both my bedrooms, grabbing my staff and searching for anything abnormal. I didn't find anything though I noted that the large crystal from my staff was on the floor of my room, which could have attested to the thump sound which had accompanied this entity. After recovering from the scare and getting my thoughts back together I had a drink, and noticed that my cats were following me, I offered them some milk but they did not take, after a bit of snapping out of things I lit up some incense and turned on a small light, saw that the sun was beginning to rise and returned to sleep. The cats followed me, which was a bit odd as they seldom sleep with me, having all three in bed was not a normal occurrence. After I went back to sleep I had a dream, a bit odd I was checking my email on the computer (in the dream) and had a message from a screen name “Athulus” (possibly misspelling) which I believe could possibly be linked to the entity from earlier. As well, when I was returning to sleep after the incident I felt a bit odd, hard to explain like I had done a lot of work and my muscles were strained, though that had passed by the time I woke up the second time. _________________________________________________________ Wed, Oct 12, 2005: Last night I over analyzed the dream I came to a theory about my circle area then matched it to patterns in a time line that I have been keeping in my head, I came to a conclusion that the circle area has been in great mis-use compared to its original purpose and that it was designed as "a window to my world rather then a tool of energy manipulation" I reached a conclusion that after the 2003 explosion my views of the circle area drastically changed and I had viewed it and used it as a tool when it was in the past during my original experiments viewed as a window to my world which merely needed to be opened. (is making no sense) Long story short, the circles purpose is to be a commemorative shrine to "Tycosa" and my present using it to play with energy and so on was defeating that purpose. So I ended up going there to the circle, and
upon arriving at the location stood outside the circle focusing on
removing all the energy I had channeled into the location for past
gateway experiments, focused it into a large orb and visualized it
dispensing back into the surrounding landscape, then I focused on
any negative energy within the location, visualized another giant
sphere and visualized it slowly dissipating until it was gone, then
I focused on removing all the energy from the surrounding symbols
and such, basically dismantling the place energy wise. During the
process the temperature around me seemed to be getting steadily colder
which inspired me to give a verbal speech explaining my actions and
apologizing for any misuse in the past. _________________________________________________________ Mon, Nov 14,
2005: _________________________________________________________ Wed, Dec 21,
2005: I came back to tell them it was just an arrow, but when I looked down it was in a new formation, which appeared very vivid in the dream and I would have to draw it. It was indescribable in words but can best be described as a fork or trident with spikes pointing both up and down, hard to explain. We continued to the circle and upon arrival at the location moonlight was illuminating all the sticks and rocks making it glow. My teachers told me something which I did not understand, but I recall it upset me, I then walked into the center of the circle and appeared at my fathers home on Tomahawk street, along with my friends Kisai and Kyrla, we started walking towards my girlfriends house heading towards Southern St. while it was still dark, I talked to them about what had happened in the desert and they did not believe me, we were about to turn a corner on to Southern street when a green meteor shot across the sky and struck down about 30 feet ahead of us near a wash, causing an explosion. We ran up towards the intersection near where it landed and when we got there we saw a truck go flying by at an extreme speed, its tires were on fire and it was driving on the rims shooting off sparks, I got the impression that the driver had already been killed by the explosion, upon arrival at the intersection I could see a scene of destruction, whatever had crashed had smashed into a wall of a nearby housing complex and broke apart, there was a crater in the nearby wash but there was also a large chunk of the meteorite burning in a puddle of liquid in the middle of the road. Since the rubble in the road was closer and despite the flames appeared safer then the crater in the nearby wash we ran over to look at it. It was about two feet high and split in two, a large boulder rocky on the outside but red and vaguely alive on the interior, on the ground, in the liquid around it were chunks of green stones full of holes which appeared like dried coral, I felt that they were of extreme importance and begun gathering the pieces. Somehow I ended up in the bathroom of my fathers guest home and my friends were waiting for me to finish cleaning the stones, I took off my vest and shirt and used them to carry the stones in, when I came out Kisai made a comment about keeping my shirt on, then I asked about the crater, Kyrla asked what crater, then I woke up. _________________________________________________________
As well, later in the year 2005, I had another dream of entering into a cavern in the mountains, within, I found the rusted remains of immense humanoid mechanizations, on there joints were carved faces similar to those of the gods of the Mayan's, these humanoid mechanizations, though immense were obviously ancient and far from salvageable, but their size and construction foreshadowed a level of technology beyond that of our modern mechanics. It was to my understanding that these machines were used for construction, rather then for aggressive use, however that is simply an assumption. End dream, _________________________________________________________ Following is a dream of the Superstition Mountain, occurring in 2006, Exact date lost: I had a dream regarding Superstition Mountain, I was traveling down a white, apparently cemented street (rather then paved) the street was taking me beyond the face of superstition mountain near the location of hieroglyph canyon, following it I came across a condensed city, within a canyon, small skyscrapers rising up to equal the nearby cliffs of the mountains base, and buildings rising up along small hills of the mountains, the city was built of stone with an appearance of cement, the city was white, the mountains were normal in appearance around the city. The residents clamored around the streets, they seemed to be wearing purple, gold, and maroon robes stylized in different ways, their bodies and faces had normal features, awestruck by the design and sophistication of the city I begun to explore, I continued following the street I was on, it ended at what looked like the entrance of a subway, or large tunnel leading into the mountain. The street ceased at this tunnel and from there I came across a long corridor of stairs leading down, this tunnel was lit by a purple light source, at the base of the stairs was a long hallway full of what appeared to be shops and rooms similar to the malls of our modern cities, however within some of the rooms were what may have been laboratory's by my understanding of what I saw. As I began to continue into this underground “mall” I noted an alarm, people began to scream and flee the shops and rooms, they scrambled towards the stairs I had descended from, I followed them, on the surface was equal havoc, it appeared as though an earthquake was beginning, loose objects began to fall from the buildings, as the people continued to run towards the street that had lead me to the city. It appeared as though an evacuation was happening, although to my understanding a minor earthquake was appearing, the citizens were claiming the city was under an attack, I ran out of the city with the crowd and got a good distance away, then I scanned the skies and searched for any sign of militant force but saw nothing, then looking back towards the tunnel and city I still saw no threat and although the tremors had ceased, the sirens continued and people were still fleeing, there was a sudden bright flash from the city, and I woke up. _________________________________________________________ Tue, Jan 03, 2006: The dream consisted of me making visits to the "upper world" and getting scolded in result. They called me Arutama (Ah-Roo-Tah-mah) in the dream and apparently I was of great importance in regards to authority, unfortunately I have forgotten the majority of the dream with the exception of the name as it seemed the most important.. _________________________________________________________ Sun, Jan 15,
2006: I then, reunited with my mother and Johnny Lee in a building, and they drove me and Josh back to my house, at which point I had a sword fight with Josh and lost, we argued a bit more and I ended up leaving on my bike, which was in the dream suited up to look like a dragon of some sort, I drove my bike a few houses down from my own, on a street called Canyon, until I got to a deep natural canal or ditch. I parked the bike and begun climbing down into it and following along a path, I was near a neighbors house who's name was Jody, she had a reputation of being "unpleasant" and I didn't want to be caught down there, I saw people coming from my left and looked up out of the ditch to see who it was, it was two cartoonish people, like old batman cartoon characters, they ran off somewhere and I hid in a cement house like structure. While hiding for whatever reason I pulled out my digital tape recorder and tried to get EVP's after a minute or two I checked the recordings and got a repetition of "Help me" among other sounds, being upset that it wasn't anything more impressive I put the recorder away and left the building, to my right I heard another person coming and realized that this time it was Jody. I panicked, not wanting to be caught I transformed into a dragon (similar in appearance to Draco from the move Dragon Heart) in the form of this dragon I ran and jumped into the sky flying out of the ditch and back to my property, then I reverted to normal and Josh yelled at me again about being so obvious we then went somewhere for dinner and at this point I woke up. It was an insanely long and detailed dream and I had forgotten the majority of the conversations that had occurred, _________________________________________________________ Mon, Jan 30,
2006: Afterwards I went to go hike my mountain, only instead of my mountain it was the Superstitions, they were at the north end of Ironwood rather then their real-life location to the east, In the dream I hiked for a long time until I ended up on a ledge, looking down I was a bit shocked at the height and begin climbing down the side of the mountain, ending up at a real life valley behind the Gold Field mountains. Though instead of a mile of dead flat desert surrounded by mountains, there was a futuristic city there, I was amazed by the city which was similar to Vegas, the buildings were glass-like and tall, it was amazing to see the glass skyscrapers and ponds, fountains and so on crammed into the small location, speaking to some bystanders I had learned that the city had recently been badly damaged by some sort of attack, I noticed then that there were very few people and some buildings were in fact damaged. I ended up going down a set of stairs into a colorful arched hall, on either side were shops like a mall, looking up I saw a pink arched glass ceiling it apparently had vehicles driving over it, I was underneath a street of some sort. Since there were no people in this mall section I climbed back out the way I came, spoke with a guard asking when this city was built, he simply responded that it had always been there, I got upset that somebody had built a city on a location I felt was isolated and secure, I then followed a paved road around the mountains and back to my house, I woke up on the way home Also, I had neglected to mention that in the dream, when looking at the Superstitions mountains (in the wrong location) I noted yet another scene of Romanesque ruins on them. End dream. There are is something that I wanted to mention about this dream in regards to past dreams. I had dreamt of ruins on the superstition mountains before, that was nothing new, however the location of the city being behind the mountains north of my home, was the same location I had seen blasted from space during an earlier dream in which a person similar in appearance to myself, but with longer hair and claiming to be my brother said “look to the sky” prior to an explosion occurring behind the Gold Field mountains. Since the people in the city there said that they had been attacked I linked the two dreams together. End of similarities. _________________________________________________________ Wed, Feb 08, 2006: I woke up due to my alarm, remembering from past research that I had done on the mountains with Spiriteye and Jake I did recall that the area supposedly had portals, I also recalled that the supposed treasure was in a five mile radius of weaver's needle, I have a desire to visit that landmark someday and see if I can find anything metaphysical to link my dreams with the paranormal events said to occur in the area. _________________________________________________________ Sun, May 28, 2006: Now in the future, I traveled through a (existing) path in the oasis area to a clearing, as I arrived it suddenly got dark and stormy, a powerful gust of wind came at me and there was a lot of lightning, in the center of this grassy clearing was a levitating person dressed mostly in black. This person then explained to me in dramatic fashion that he had awaited my arrival and was really me twenty years in the future, he then "powered up" in a Dragon BallZ anime like fashion, and I did the same. Armed with the options of my large sword or my crystal tipped staff, I had to battle this evil all powerful future me, he shot visible energy attacks from his hand and caused damage a great deal of damage to the surroundings as the storm around us intensified, I was forced to use physical attacks with my staff and sword, I was basically getting my butt kicked, and woke up mid battle. In regards to the partners from the beginning I do not believe they consisted of the same people who tried to train me in the past, I think they were just random partners. _________________________________________________________ Mon, Jul 10,
2006: I went to investigate and the downed craft seemed to transform into a strange half aircraft half fire-truck vehicle I chased it on my bike and was pursued by two other slow moving UFOs behind me. The dream suddenly shifted to me, a childhood friend and a random teenager telling Spiriteye about the craft outside a structure or building made of dirt or clay. Spiriteye said something, again I had forgotten what it was. Then me my friend and the stranger drove a car to a police station, the police station within the dream was also an animal shelter, we had to bomb it for some reason, me and the childhood friend went into the animal shelter section and were distracting the employee's while the stranger set explosives, we were about to flee the building when my mother woke me up. I think it's just further evidence that I'm working too hard and its causing insanity. _________________________________________________________ Wed, Sep 20, 2006: At which point I found a vast clearing and ahead of me on a forested hill were three Japanese style houses, one having what seemed to be a watermill and stream. Entering into one of the houses I met a person in bed, who's arm had been cut off, he blamed some guy (name forgotten) and I vowed to get revenge for him, in another house I found a pirate-like person who's arm had also been sliced off, he had placed a Tomahawk where it had once been, he blamed the same person, he gave me a Japanese style throwing blade to use on this villain. In the dream I went to the largest building and walked into a hall, where a gathering of people was watching a fight, a woman I recognized from a video game was fighting a heavy set man, she went to kick him and he froze her in the air, turned her into water, separated her legs from her torso and rematerialized her body. She died obviously. The crowd disbanded and the heavyset person whom I identified as a water elemental turned to leave with a bearded robed cliché master. I used the throwing knife and got his master in the back noticing this attack and, in anger the water elemental-guy begin chasing me, I ran out of a door and jumped off a banister into a pool outside, he dove into it as well, terrified that he would rip me in half as he did the woman I swam away as he chased, somehow I realized he could no longer use his powers, I got out of the pool, grabbed a pool chair and beat him to death as he tried to get out of the water. (amusing but really happened) Then his surviving victims thanked me, I begun walking down a trail back into the forest and woke up with a crushing headache. The dream although seeming meaningless, was extremely vivid and a bit odd so felt worthy of mentioning. _________________________________________________________
Last night I dreamed I was married or living with Kyrla, she woke me up and literally dragged me to church claiming we were late, I ended up entering the church half dressed, shirtless wearing my medallion and getting cold stares, we ended up setting in the front row were I got cold stares even from the priest for my lack of formality. During a brief intermission I returned home
and changed, then came back. At which point I sat in the back of the
church, Kyrla's mother walked up the aisle to me and started ranting
at me for being such a disgrace to the church, my disrespect for the
lord, wearing my medallion, dissenting on the commandments and so
on. She continued yelling at me until I eventually woke up. Dreams Occurred
10-26-06: He said that it was not possible for me to have such a craft, I dragged them to where I believed my flying disc was, there was a steel box, I opened the box, parts fell out, assembling the parts lead to what appeared to be a pop-up camper/tent-trailer. I organized everything inside believing that if I had it perfectly constructed it’d transform into a flying disc craft. That did not happen, and a friend informed me that the alien beings had been in trouble for waiting, and had left in disgust. I continued working on this trailer-tent believing it’d transform. Until my mother woke me up. My mother wakes me up at: 12:00 ruining the prior dream and so I got up, and stretched walking into the dining room of my house, I noticed an oddity outside, my bus was gone, confused I ran outside to investigate, I noticed that my metal awning tool sheds had been replaced by wooden ones, Jakes trailer had been relocated and had an air conditioner sticking out of it, my bus was gone but replaced over by a wooden structure which covered up the decrepit ruined remains of a single-wide mobile home. Running back into my house to get answers from my mother I noticed my house was damaged, as well outdoors in our driveway there was a ruined cabin (small mobile home designed as cabin –my mother wants one) I ran over to investigate it, repeating in my mind that this must be a dream but noting that all things were solid and vivid, that the more I tried to pretend this was a dream the more real it became, exploring the ruins of the cabin I found only an empty building collapsing from age, I noticed a staircase leading to a small loft. The staircase was damaged but I managed to climb up, the roof in this area had collapsed, and poking my head out a hole of the ceiling I could see my surrounding area. Though I had just been woken up, the sun was beginning to set, I could see the silhouettes of buildings from the distant city of Phoenix, and noted that all the houses in my surrounding area were damaged and vacant, vehicles laid rusted out in the driveways. It appeared that I was in the distant future. Confused but not worried and still trying to “wakeup” I returned to the odd single-wide trailer that was covered by a wooden “garage” or shielding were my bus once stood. I noticed that it had caved in towards the middle. I could enter a side door near the front, or through a window in the back, I chose the front first. I noticed a cat similar to my own black cat, though this one was wearing a red collar. It fled. I noticed writing on the walls of this ruined house. Many short sentences and signatures, some dated, I noticed a recurring date of 11/12/06, 11/10/06, 11/12/06 mostly repeated throughout the wall with messages of survival and do not forget. One odd date however stated 8/23/578, which was very odd to me, due to the encroaching darkness of sunset I could no longer investigate further as to what these dates meant. I exited and begun exploring the backside of the house, through the rubble I noticed the “message-room” had somehow caught on fire, I explored as much as I could but was forced out by the flames, grabbing what seemed to be extension cords from the rubble of the floor of the house (seemed important at the time) I fled out the back door and watched the wooden garage structure collapse and the house burn. I then was awakened again by my mother, this time in reality. It was intense, as I jumped from one dream immediately into another, flawless to the extent that I felt that I was awake.. In regards to the dates, I note that the spirit circle explosion occurred on 11/11/2003 in between the days written or carved on the walls of the ruined house. Woke up at 1:12pm. _________________________________________________________ Thu, Oct 26, 2006: I was in a room with a lot of shelves and as I walked around my tail kept knocking stuff over, I was worried that I would be punished for the damages so was going to make it a point to understand the body's movements and workings. I practiced moving specific limbs, walking, turning, moving the tail, moving my neck, all of which seemed and felt quite real and interesting. I then woke up at about noon with a migraine headache. _________________________________________________________ Mon, Apr 02, 2007: I was the last one into the cabin. When I got in I noticed that all of the campers were of African descent and wearing strange silver wigs. I took a place standing next to the girl from the mess hall. They begun a prayer that started off sounding Christian but quickly moved away to something pagan, I got confused and requested to know what book was being read. I was shown a book titled "The Book of Seals, by Annunaki" knowing that Annunaki were Sumerian deities I got confused and demanded some answers, they said they were sealing the secrets of this land. (referring to the camp and superstition mountain) I was weary of Sumerian magic so I left the cabin, upon doing so I woke up. Overall a strange dream. _________________________________________________________ Sun, Nov 25, 2007: _________________________________________________________ Tue, Sep 23, 2008: Okay, this dream occurred Monday morning. I had gone to bed at about 3am and had set my alarm for 11:30am. In my dream I had awoken in bed and decided to drive to the circle area, I noted it was about 4am on my clock when I left my room. I drove down to the street and parked alongside the desert. When I exited the car to enter the desert, I noticed that the sky had a twilight feel to it, it was a very dark / pale blue some stars were still noticeable,and the clouds glowed an odd purple in this strange light. I felt that the source was coming from the west in the direction of Phoenix where the sun would set, but it made no sense as it was 4am, and dark when I left and simply not possible. Upon coming to the conclusion that the skies activity was in no way possible, at that current time in the morning, I assumed the circle was the cause and begin to run through the desert towards it. When I arrived at the circle I was shocked to note that my stones, stick symbols and little alter with the crystal were all still properly in place, but rather then dirt beneath them, the ground and area was now covered in smooth orange bricks smooth and flawlessly tiled and ornately designed with stars and symbols like some kind of shrine or ornate plaza. I also noted that the geometry of this tiling
was making strange angles and extending past the real life waking
world designs that I had made with my sticks and stones. There also
seemed to be a series of brick alters scattered about the area in
accordance with the geometry of the tile designs. In the dream I confirmed it was not a rattle snake and attempted to capture it, I had nothing to restrain it with and it escaped. I watched it leave and was disappointed, I then continued towards my car, upon reaching the wired fence separating the state land trust which I was in, from Ironwood road, I was confronted by three or four people on bikes, each roughly my age. They where surrounding my car, and demanded to know what I was doing out there in the desert, and asking what I had done. frustrated by there interference I offered to take them to the circle, make up a story and then escort them away. I then lead this group down the path towards my circle. When I arrived back at the circle, the plaza or tile flooring was gone, the area had returned to desert, with one exception. The circle was where it should be, but encircled around it was a crater or hole. Imagine a large crater, with a pillar in the center holding up the circular platform that was the spirit circle. As well the large quartz crystal atop my circle was emitting a spire of flowing light into the sky. When I looked into the hole or crater surrounding the circle, I saw to my amazement a large machine with a network of large pipes and copper wires humming with energy. My circle as stated hovered over this crater at ground level atop a pillar and was connected to the top of this now revealed underground device. Apparently the crystal I left there was was powering it. The group of interlopers I was with demanded that I explain the device and what was going on, but I couldn't, so they told me to go into the crater and determine what the machine did, I refused and they proceeded to pushed me in. I grabbed on to a pipe to slow my descent into the pit, I then hopped down from the pipes I was holding and begin examining things. I was in a pit in an area probably about 15 feet or so deep. In my mind I was thinking that such a device buried in the desert and unnoticeable would have to be ancient, in the dream thoughts came to my mind that perhaps I had built my circle above a device from a ancient lost civilization in some form of subliminal calling to activate it, I checked the pipes for signs of text and found faded English writing, which caused me to believe it was a more recent creation. I came to what I would call the core of the device or the main structure of the pillar upon which my circle was the top of. I noted a small digital screen like that of a digital watch. I looked at this small screen and it said "sage protector" (or "sage preventer") at this point, I became angry, believing this title to be the purpose of the device I exclaimed out loud "what the hell is a sage protector" and that angry outburst caused me to awake from the dream. I woke up about 11:20am, nearly the time my
alarm would go off. The entire dream was extremely vivid and I had
some degree of alertness or consciousness within the dream and woke
up feeling quite odd from the experience, it gave me a strange spiritual
feeling that I can't really explain. LATER DREAMS Wednesday February 2, 2011 Had a dream where I wandered out into the desert opposite of the desert with my circle in it. Wednesday 3-28-2012 I had a dream where I ended up takeing a plane to Moscow, I arrived late in the early morning, 4am'ish. After setting my possessions up in an apartment room, I went outside to explore, I ended up traveling through a grassy park on some sort of college or university complex. After some time, I begun to leave the park but noted a large decorative pond with some kind of wooden boat floating in it. The boat had been separated or sawed into three separate sections boueyed by chains to the surface under the water. I assumed it was some kind of amusement thing. I jumped onto the seperate sections of the boat expecting it to be some kind of balancing trial or some such, but the sections were fairly stable, I noted a sign reading in four languages (Russian, French, English and German) that possessions lost in the water could not be retrieved. Looking into the water I saw what appeared to be sandbags, I dragged one out and up to the surface and confirmed that it was a sandbag. At that point I saw somebody coming from a forested section of the park, so I tossed the sandbag back and acted natural. The individual eventually confronted me and I discovered that he was not a russian, but rather a foriegn worker from France about the same age as myself. He spoke enough english to explain that he was in Moscow studying abroad, He was not fluent but with some difficulty could understand me. Around this point, the sun was begunning to rise, the frenchmen escorted me off the university campus and onto a large road. He pointed towards Moscow city and a large tower which was under construction which he refered to Russia tower, but it wasn't the real Russia tower its hieght was reminsienc of the Burg Khalifa but its design was solely cylindical like that of the leaning tower prior to being tilted. The tower was very emphasized in the dream as it went up as far as the eye could percieve. The frenchmen eventually took me to a car where a female friend was waiting for him. I got into the back seat while he drove, we drove towards the construction site of Moscow city passing what appeared to be generic versions of various american retail stores. In time, we arrived at a building that was called "All-mart" We got out of the car and entered the building, the setting changed to that of a tibeten garden. I was following various pilgrims on a path up a hill, visiting various outdoor shrines with various messages of nature, spirituality and peace, after passing various ponds and shrines, I, in time had arrived at a temple at the end of the trail. I and countless other pilgrims begun ascending a flight of spyrial stairs into the temple, at the top of the spiral staircase was a single room. Small groups were allowed in to the room two at a time. When my turn arrived, I and a young six year old girl were allowed in. I ended up in a room which looked like a cross between a modern apartment and a hindu temple. Looking out of a glass window I could still see the blocked and clyndical towers of Moscow's skyline nearby as well as that giant incomplete tower reaching to the heavens. Examining the room that I was now in, I saw nothing too signifigant, but the child suddenly shouted in english "There she is" "She's beautiful" I looked around again and saw nothing. "There see" she said, "The cat" looking closely I saw a small mouse sized white cat sleeping curled on the branch of a bonsai tree. This small cat was appearently the avatar of a goddess that I was supposed to meet, when I looked at it, messages in written english begun to appear written against her fur, she seemed to thank me for my pilgrimage and encouraged me to always believe in my inner spirit and strength, listen to the innocence of children and always think outside the box, know that I was loved and that my soul shone brightly. Then me and the child left the room and begun to descend down from the temples stairs. Arriving at the outdoor gates to a monorail or tram, I was preparing to return to my apartment in Moscow for some sleep when I was informed that the goddess had died, the priestesses blamed my american hostility and negativity for her death and cursed that the spirits of the shrine would see their vengence done. The scene then shifted to me back on a plane returning home to Pheonix, where I relayed my experiences to Kyrla and my family, from there I went to work. Arriving at work, I begun to clean the metalurgy shop as I typically do in the waking world. Suddenly time seemed to alter and the atmosphere turned dark, I saw at first glance what appeared to be a large python but it slithered beneath a table and vanished, then suddenly two cats appeared, stood upright like men and begun to confront me. By this time the dream was beginning to collapse as I was starting to awaken, so I forgot what they had said.. As the cats spoke, the shop teacher came into the room and tried to capture them, I defended them and bludgeoned the instructor with a small steal pipe which was to be used for the construction of a students catapult. the instructor fell, but the cat spirits had vanished. I could not find them and became alarmed as the atmosphere was still altered around me. I noticed a large pool of water which was used to cool hot metal, I got the sense that the instructor had trapped a spirit inside so I dumped it outside of the classroom and discovered a red bearded dragon had been drowned inside. The lizard awoke from death, looked at me and at that point I had awakened. Overall I found the dream to be quite unique and vivid so I wrote it down. Wednesday July 3rd 2013 At 6:00 this morning I had a dream that I was at work, I was a dragon hitting on Ember who was just ditched by Spyro and Cynder, through the course of comforting her, she slowly turned into a human and so did I. We were at the highschool and it was 3am'ish, We ended up going to the north gym to look for a friend of hers who worked maintainence on the building, but whom I did not know as she worked the shift after mine.
Tuesday 1-28-2014 It was late at night, somewhere around 4am, I wanted to play an old Nintendo system but mine hasn't worked in years. In my dream, there was a house on the corner of Ironwood and Mainstreet, right next to Elvira's Mexican Resteraunt. ( The dream building does not exist in waking world) appearently I had been in that house and knew the owner had an old Nintendo in his bedroom, I believe the owner was some fat redneck garage mechanic, but nobody I knew in the waking world. I heard some dogs barking outside his house so went outside to investigate. I ended up somehow bumping into a golf cart in his drive way which begun to roll backwards and crashed into a neighbors wall, making more noise and ruckus. I panick'ed and put it back where it was. I assumed the nieghbors would call the owner or the cops, and I had only seconds to escape so I ran back inside the house, covered my tracks, put everything as it was, ran back outside, re-locked the houses door and started running as fast as I could towards my car to make my escape. As I begun to leave the drive way, a disembodied female voice like that of a dedra from the elder scrolls series sternely and strictly ordered me to "Go Back Inside The House!" Friday the 13th Oct 2017
Tuesday, July 24th, 2018 Had a strange dream, lots of nonsense not enough dragons, probably lots of symbolism and things to read between the lines^^ dream starts off with me in the desert near my home, I am exploring and I find a metal drainage tunnel, I look inside and find three homeless vagrants, they say I can't leave having found them. As I try to escape them they spawn machine guns and start shooting at me. I flee down a nearby street with two hills. In the dream both dips in the road are flooded by an ocean. I back track down an alternate path and pass under several Roman arches each one rising in size culminating into a large one like the arch of triumph. I reach a dead end at this large path of Roman arches and have to return to the flooded path. The first dip in the road has a turbulent ocean, I use a small paddle boat to get across, I'm still being chased by the vagrants trying to catch me, the second hill or dip in the road is flooded by a less turbulent ocean of lava. I ride a slow decaying freight ship across, the vagrants follow me but I am near home, I turn around to challenge them and they vanish, when I get to my home my mothers house is gone, just the land is there, the witch who owns Dragonstar in Mesa is waiting for me there, I tell her about the dream or what just happened, then I wake up. I think the homeless vagrants represent my mother, Sal and possibly my friend Kisai (or mate Kyrla) the turbulent ocean likely represents an initial leap forward to independence, still being pursued, the slow journey over an ocean of lava likely represents a much longer and more threatening journey forward, overcoming or escaping the gun toting vagrants at the end is obviously my longterm success, my mothers house being gone implies it's a lost cause, but I may someday gain the land in the long term, the witch could be a message I should tell her about the dream for advice, but she could equally be archetypal that I should delve deeply into my spirituality for strength during these trials.
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