Evolution Rant

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:: Disclaimer: I am from a religous town and as a result, I have a lot of anger at religous dogma, many of these rants may be against deeply held beliefs, I try my best to make it a point to target only the the hardcore fundamentalists of belief systems and not the moderates but please, if you are likely to be offended please do not read these rants.::

Rant: Evolution I

(By Jafira)

Okay! Woot Another Rant! Evolution VS. Intelligent Design. This shall be easy. Okay, evolution is based on science, which is taught in school, or should be at least. Regardless, due to the separation of church and state there is no reason for Intelligent design to be taught at all. Intelligent design is a faith based science and should be disregarded in a secular system. Furthermore, the students secular or not will hear of creationism at some point in the future and if so choosing can research it of their own will.

Now, for the real reasoning. Science and evolution are taught in school as secular education based on peer reviewed scientific process. Creationism is taught in church and by family as faith and truth, those who do not agree with evolution have already learned of its possible fallacies by their family members and religious sects, therefore if they are strong of faith they can disregard evolution and continue their coursework.

Meanwhile those who have absolutly no desire to know of creationism or those who don't want to be indoctrinated by faith over science, can learn the commonly accepted world view in preparation for the real world. As well, those same students if so choosing can in the future research evolutions counter thesis creationism, outside of a classroom environment of their own free will. There is no reason to subject none believers to study a “faith based science” that they have no interest in, and for the faithful who are forced to take the course work on evolution, as I had mentioned above if they’re powerful in their faith, they will know in their hearts that it is a lie of the devil, and disregard it, as well they can simply opt out and let the other students go to hell.

For parents who are very distraught by the fact that their children are learning a science that opposes their beliefs, they can always take an alternative route and send their children to private schools or home schooling. The point being, keep church and state separate! The students will hear both views at some point in their miserable lives so it shouldn’t really matter. Evolution is peer reviewed fact, creationism is faith that we were poofed here from nothingness, it doesn't belong in an educational environment. There was never a need for a debate before and there shouldn’t be a debate now, it is a matter of science vs faith. Science explains how things work and faith explains what science fails to explain however the two should never be taught together because one is fact, and the other is faith..

~Jafira Dragon

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