Mini-RANT: Abortion
:: Disclaimer: I am from a religious town and as a result, I have a lot of anger at religious dogma, many of these rants may be against deeply held beliefs, I try my best to make it a point to target only the the hardcore fundamentalists of belief systems and not the moderates but please, if you are likely to be offended please do not read these rants.:: |
Rant: Abortion (By Jafira) Abortion, I am so sick and tired of hearing about abortion, my own personal beliefs are that the creature in a woman's body is nothing more then a mass of cells for the first two months, so there is no problem removing it if the parents are absolute failures and obviously incapable of providing a decent future for the child. After about two months the mass of cells is a human fetus, leave it alone at that point, you had your chance to opt out. Those are my views. In any case, my anger is at the anti abortion crowds hanging around clinics traumatizing women, as well as placing billboards of dead babies on highways and around college campuses. Listen closely, you are wrong, women who get abortions have usually already made their choice, and by calling them murderers your only causing them more harm in an already emotionally scarring scenario, if they go and kill themselves it's your fault! Wouldn't it be better that they be left alone to live with the guilt of their decision without you cursing them? You are not to judge and you are only doing this because you enjoy the ego trip of being morally superior. You are wrong, instead of victimizing those who have had abortions, and disgusting the public with your late term abortion graphics, you should be educating the public in reasonable terms and working to remove abortion through the legal means. Quit using shock treatment and guilt on society and move towards social education and legal means instead. Otherwise you will never get your way. If a women who gets an abortion is left alone with her guilt, perhaps she can tell their story later in life and educate others as to why it is the wrong decision, but that isn't going to happen if you curse her to the point that she kills herself! It doesn't help your cause at all to appear like psycho's who wish death upon anyone who may make the wrong choice in life. As well, blowing up abortion clinics? How is acting completely insane going to help your cause? A pro-life fanatic blowing up an abortion clinic for his or her convictions is the same as a muslim fanatic blowing up a government building for his beliefs, it does nothing for your cause and simply causes society to revolt heavily against you. Unless you strive through reasonable education and legal means, you will never stop abortion, and don't count on a sole politician to do away with abortion either, this must be done one region at a time and you know it. Lastly, sometimes abortion is necessary, a junior high or elementary school student is in no way prepared for child birth, a rape victim should not be punished further with a baby, young adults in high school are often simply not prepared to be parents and cannot provide a good life for a child. Such circumstances ruin both the parents and the child's life, and it may be better that the child never be born rather then suffer a life of neglect and pain. It is a sad truth of our society that there are just certain times when a child should not be born, it is tragic and painful, and is truthfully often the fault of the immature participants who copulated without preventive measures. I know it's is unthinkable to say a human spirit would be better dead then alive, but think of the painful lives these children would live if allowed to be born, as well, how would such disturbed children reflect on society? Education of youth on sex education, protection, abstinence and pregnancy options are necessary to prevent abortions. But unless the anti-abortion crowd focus their goals in a reasonable manner and drop this whole guilt/disgust war that they are raging, and turn their focus towards education and democratic legal initiatives, society will never listen to them, not because they are wrong, but because they are acting like idiots. ~Jafira Dragon |
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