Mini-RANT: The AFA

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:: Disclaimer: I am from a religious town and as a result, I have a lot of anger at religious dogma, many of these rants may be against deeply held beliefs, I try my best to make it a point to target only the the hardcore fundamentalists and not the moderates but please, if you are likely to be offended please do not read these rants.::

Mini-Rant: The AFA

(By Jafira)

The American Family Association (The AFA) this is an American religious association that in my opinion is nothing more then a social alarmist group run amok. Worse in my opinion then the ACLU and The AFA panics every chance that they get, a new coin is printed out, and they don't like what it says, they whine, someone donates to, or helps a homosexual cause, they whine, a politician doesn't share their views, they whine, a particular town or state isn't moral enough, they whine, and this association has over three million members sending and receiving emails, making movies and writing letters to politicians all about whiny social nonsense.

Does the AFA ever do anything to fight gang activity? No, does the AFA ever do anything to help public schools? No, does the AFA ever do anything but whine and blame? No, the AFA represents what is wrong with half of American society, it is three million people who would rather blame and whine about the culture then to progress with it, they are holding society back and are nothing more then a bunch of religious right wing alarmists with nothing better to do but search for all of societies sins and criticize rather then adapt and become an active part of our changing world.

The AFA needs to butt out of government, this is a secular society and I'll be damned if the AFA is going to dictate what is on my money, in my textbooks, or on the magazine covers at my local grocery store, nobody elected them to be the cultural morality police, and it should not be allowed! The AFA is simply another way for the theocratic fundamentalists of the religious right to shove morality down the throats of an unwilling society. I am not against all Christians, however you must admit that the hardcore fundamentalist elites are making your entire belief system look bad and that isn't helping anyone.

~Jafira Dragon

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