The Dragon Scrolls.
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THE DRAGON SCROLLS I am sick of religion being used for bigotry and discrimination, I am tired of hypocrisy from so called peaceful religions, I am tired of hatred and holier then thou attitudes, I am sick of it all. All modern surviving religions seem to have been corrupted and destroyed from their original purpose in one way or another. I am furious, I am sick of all the failure in theology, I am sick of all the pain and anguish that comes from organized religion, I don't detest spirituality, I don't detest peace or faith, I detest the dogma, the religious right to impose ones views, the arrogance, the discrimination, the hate, the false love. I hate the hypocrisy, I hate the virus, I must create a counter virus, a belief that does not call for subservience, a belief that allows for love and faith, without ruining lives and causing pain, a universal faith to unite man. Universalism. To begin my faith, I shall begin my bible in segments. As there were ten commandments in the old testament, I shall create ten scrolls to live by. From there on, I shall add to my works as they are made. My goal is to create a book of 50 "Scrolls" and publish it as an alternative New Age theology or philosophy, this shall be my bible, this shall be the new religion, my advice to mankind. May it be used for good. This shall be an on going WORK IN PROGRESS, do with it as you will, it is my gift to man. PART ONE "Ten Scrolls To Live By" Scroll One Protect The Balance To mankind is given great responsibility, for man has the power to destroy or protect that which is around, for all living beings on the planet, only man has reason to understand the consequences of his actions on that which is around him. If man hunts unnecessarily then man has stolen a life in vain, that missing life is now lost to the beast which would feed upon it, and that beast too suffers, as well the life that was stolen can no longer carry on its purpose and its kind suffers, if so man hunts unnecessarily, then man shall cause harm to that which he is responsible for and shall be held accountable. It is therefore necessary to remember only to kill for food or to be kept from being killed yourself. Man however often disobeys these truths and as a result of mans actions, his home shall suffer. When man damages the balance, the balance must self correct. Man may need shelter, and man may build shelter to live, but man must work in harmony with nature, when a man who owns shelter builds a new shelter without first shedding himself of the first, man is giving waste, when man gives waste to land the balance suffers, and man shall be held accountable. Man must build only that which man needs to live, without nature, life cannot flourish, without life, man is dead. Man must seek to harmonize their ways with nature, or pay divine consequence, for without balance there is chaos. What gives way to excess? What destroys balance? what may cause a man to hunt when food exists? To build shelter when shelter exists? The underlying problem, are the concepts of greed and pride, for with land comes desire for more land, one who has shelter seeks better, one who has food given wishes food obtained by oneself. One may better oneself in order to sustain ones family or meet ones needs, man may store a years resource for protection, Man may kill if no other food exists, but it is the wanton of more, the need of excess which causes harm to the balance. For man must exist, but man must exist in harmony and peace with nature. Man has understanding of good and evil, yet man may choose to ignore these concepts, as a result, evil whether known or not is the inevitable result. To exist peacefully, man must understand the importance of the Earth their home, man must understand the significance of their smallest action and understand the consequences of each action. Man must work to protect his home, and the many creatures within mans care, man must stay within mans means and not excess. Man must clean and care for that around them and leave natures work to nature, and mans work to man. For although capable of reason, man is as the beast in the field, that if nature should fall, so to shall man, and neither mans wisdom, nor science would delay the inevitable if such should happen. "And God gave man dominion over all the beast of the field to be stewards of the earth" Scroll Two Know Love As Man has the power to reason, man to has the power to give love, or take such a way, when man hears of hardship, man has choice, to give aid even at personal risk, or to turn away and ignore such pain, all to often in mans world, it is the latter. Why does man not help his brother, man does seem to hate his brother, man does seem to despise his brothers beliefs, appearance, words, and ways, as well all other insignificant traits. Why is such? Is it the true nature of man to hate his brother, to despise that which they do not know? No, the true cause of pain relates once more to greed and pride, mans greed may cause man to make war upon his brother, mans pride may set his ways and views above the relevance of all others, mans pride and greed can cloud judgment, cloud understanding, and cloud compassion. A covetous man cares not for his brothers soul or heart, a prideful man cares not for the feelings of others. Thus war and hate run far in mans world, as he destroys his brother and devastates the harmony that could be. An eye for eye, a tit for tat, and so on is all that awaits the greedy and prideful man, unto his own destruction. A greedy man will fear for his possessions, and seek ever more, a prideful man will set himself upon a throne and care not for others, both have untrusting hearts closed to the cries of their brothers. But the man who knows love, will help his neighbor, the man who knows love will give even unto harm upon himself to aid his brother, the loving man knows not of pride for he is equal to his brothers. The loving man cannot cause harm unto others, for he cares for his brother and would feel equal pain. The loving man hears out his brothers views, and does not pass judgment, a loving man will share his views, but not reject those who do not conform to his way. The man who knows love will not show hate or give in to arrogance, the man who knows love, has understanding and will not willfully cause harm to another. The man who knows love, knows not of vengeance, because the man who knows love realizes that vengeance will only beget more pain and vengeance. The man who knows love will love his enemies and the undeserving, for the man who knows love wishes peace. The man who knows love realizes that all are equal and that all are brothers. The man who knows love will give his life to help another, be they friend or foe, for a man who knows love will know that sympathy and courage surpass the petty feuds that plague mankind. A man who knows love will give everything to help his brother, and ask nothing in exchange for all are of his family. "Love thy neighbor, do unto others as you would have done to you, turn the other cheek." Scroll Three Seek Wisdom Man is blessed with the ability to reason above all other creatures, the ability to reason is a gift, and a gift often taken for granted. Man is blessed to learn and to think, man is blessed to question, man is blessed to know understanding and reason. However man is quick to make assumption, man is quick to agreement, man is quick to obedience. Man is quick to listen rather then learn. In result man is liable to fall into ignorance. Often man seeks to be controlled, to be free of accountability, to be free from the gift of thought and to know blissful ignorance. This is not the way man was designed to be, rather it is a blight man casts upon itself. Man often focus's on being taught, but does not choose to learn, man has been given the gift to ask why, but man rejects the gift in favor of assumption. Assumption leads to manipulation, manipulation leads to control, control leads to destruction. Man was created with the ability to ask "why?", man is expected to ask why, through questioning one will learn, through wisdom comes experience, which is then passed on, thus the race continuously progresses and betters itself. When man ceases to ask why, development halts and purpose remains unfulfilled. To ask why leads to answers. Without answers, one cannot understand the logic and workings of their creator, without questioning existence one cannot marvel at the order and balance of creation, without questioning one cannot appreciate the complexity of life around them. The man who questions everything with "why" shall obtain wisdom, the fool who makes assumptions, shall not progress. The man who questions will reach understanding, will learn appreciation, will know the reasons behind life's problems, and can assist the fool to escape from assumption. The one who knows wisdom can see that all is in harmony, the one who knows wisdom can maintain harmony, the one who knows wisdom knows balance, the one who knows wisdom is free, free from control, free from fear, and free from assumption. The wise one shall seek answers to life's questions without fear, the wise one will connect the dots, the wise one will see the glory and marvel of creation, the wise one will see beauty in all things and all people, the wise one will seek knowledge, and seek to share his knowledge with his brothers, the wise man does not challenge authority, but questions it, the wise man will ask why, for man is assumptive and obedient, the wise will ask why and not be manipulated in unrighteous ways.
Scroll Four Right Vs Wrong What is right, and what is wrong, what did the creator expect of Man, surely man is flawed, surely mans creator knows man is flawed, but what is expected of man? Man has the ability to reason, man has the knowledge of good and evil. Man knows of morality, of kindness, of love, and of sympathy. As well, Man knows of sin, of pain, of greed, and hatred. Man knows the consequences of his actions, and man knows of accountability. The wise and loving man will take accountability for his actions and though seriously flawed, strive his best to live in harmony, and sympathy with those around him. The foolish man will reject accountability and deny his flaws, he will strive only for himself and for what benefits him, driven by greed he will cause harm and pain in his wake, careless of those harmed in his path. Mans creator knows of his heart and mind, and takes note of his actions. The foolish will deny their wrong and excuse their actions in any number of ways, they will be held accountable in the end. The man who knows what is right will do what is right, for he wishes the best for his brother, the man who knows what is right and still does wrong cares not for his brother. Man is expected by his creator to do what is right, for what is right is love, and the loving man is a righteous man. If man is harmed, can vengeance make a right? The unrighteous, bitter and uncaring will say yes. Though the creator through his son teaches otherwise, a righteous man will not return wrong with wrong, for then harmony is lost. The righteous is humble to attack and accusation, the righteous know that wrongs lead to pain and that love leads to harmony. The righteous understand that as there is black there is also white, good and evil exist in balance, and that good must not return evil with further evil, rather good must humble itself as a child and know not of hatred. The righteous know that just awards await them just as justice awaits their tormentors, the humble turn the other cheek and reason, rather then feud. Whenever there is good, there must be evil, as there is the adversary so to exists the lord, all men are born equal their hearts and actions shall show their affiliation, it is not for man to pass judgment, but for the creator alone. However, there will come times, when the righteous must defend themselves, defense of ones life is necessary when wrong is overwhelming, the righteous, to prevent pain and torment should warn first, then barring that fails, the righteous shall defend, though reasonable means, for they will be accountable for their acts if they shall be found unjustified.. "Judge not less thee be judged" Scroll Five: The Balance In the beginning their was darkness, thus the creator brought forth creation, through his creation he created systems, energies, organization, and balance. That all creation should have force, and all creation should have purpose. The stars to light their worlds, the nebula to give birth to new worlds, the galaxies to shield from the void of space, the moons to balance the seas. The comets to fuel the worlds, the lakes to flourish life, the clouds to cool the land and so on throughout nature as balance reigns. Through the species which have in them the power to adapt and to change, through, the plants that replenish the world, through the invisible forces of gravity which maintain worlds, to the ants that clean the carcass, to the dust that all return. All is in harmony and all is in balance. For, in darkness there is light and in light there is shadow. The forces of good cannot exist without evil, and in chaos there is balance as all was created by a logic beyond comprehension. The forces of darkness seek to distort the balance and to over weigh such. Man is capable of both good and evil, for man has knowledge of right and wrong. Man is weak and man is foolish, the forces of evil know of this, and seek to disrupt the balance through the corruption of hearts and removal of reason. In this the forces of darkness corrupt man through lies, deceit, pain, and pleasure, in mans weakness he knows not his place in the balance, man is used as pawns, for the forces of darkness have no control themselves they must have a form as their tool. The pawns of darkness understand, nor care not for their place in the balance, they have closed their heart to their creator and to love. Where there is darkness, there is light, for man can resist and seek their place, if they so choose, man must search for his creator, and his place in the balance, not give into deception and sin, the man who understands the balance and his creator, knows himself and his world, and can help and save those in darkness. However, if those in darkness will not open their hearts, the righteous work in vain. The righteous must protect the balance in every way, the righteous must live through example show love and understanding, the righteous must reason with sympathy to the lost, for to leave the lost to their own, is to lead a brother to death, if a righteous man does not reason with the unrighteous, then he to is a co-conspirator in the destruction. Man must reach to his brothers with reason and not apathy, or such the balance decays and the creator's patience wanes. "Yin-yang, positive and negative exist in balance, forces work to disrupt the balance" Scroll Six The Ten Commandments Man should worship but one entity, as only one entity gave forth to creation, thereby man should worship and revere his creator above all else, for without creation there is nothing. Man must realize that through all his science and wisdom it all returns to creation for the universe could not blast into existence without first a force to detonate such, nor can life evolve without first a soul to hold the form. As all returns to the creator, then all is less then the creator, the created must therefore acknowledge the glory of its master and know that all else is insignificant. Man must not kill man in vain or anger, for the destruction of life leads way to the destruction of balance, man must love his brother and not destroy his family, man must live in harmony for no life is more or less valuable then another's, for all men are equal in spirit. Man must only kill in self defense, man is not to seek vengeance nor give in to greed nor hate but love his brother as he loves himself. Man must not covet that which man does not have, for want leads to jealousy, thus leads to hurt, to anger, to greed. Man must avoid the desire for more or that which is another's, for such feelings lead to hatred and pain. Man must know his place in the balance, must strive to meet his own needs, must not dwell on the lives of others, man must live his life separate his brothers and dwell not on the material world, for it is temporal. Man must honor his mother and father, for they have lived long lives and learned much, for they are to teach and to guide, to love and to care for, for with out ones mother and father, a child would not grow well, nor live well, nor learn well. For all the sacrifice of the mother and the father, to raise a child, the child should show respect and give honor, for their life is a testimony to their parents efforts. Man must not steal that which is legitimately another's, for to take is to give way to greed and cause harm, and through harming his brother the man who steals upsets the balance and gives harm to peace. To steal is to take wrongly what was not earned nor given, it is harmful and hurtful, it gives way to rage and pain. As well man should not use another's name in vain or anger, nor should man use the name of his creator in vain or anger, for man is responsible for his on folly, as man exists in the balance, man is subject to the laws of the balance, and can not cast blame on the name of another, be it man, nor beast, nor the creator, for that is hurtful. Man must not give way to lust with the spouse of another, for it harms the heart and corrupts the mind, it is hate against the heart and spirit of his brother and is crime unto the chastity of love. Man should not carve images to stone, for one may tempt to praise the image and not the meaning. One should not lie or use words falsely, for lies are deceitful, and harmful, and man should not harm nor mislead his brother, there is no wisdom in a lie. Lastly on the seventh day of a week, within the chosen calendar of man, man is to take rest, and give thanks for the gifts of his creator. For even the creator gave rest on such a day, for if man works without rest, man will give way to imbalance and harm the form and spirit. "Obey the ten commandments" Scroll Seven The Unity of Everything All life was created from a divine source, the creator, the one true God, as all life and all creation has the divine as its source then the divine must exist in all things. All creation, material or immaterial has at its core energy, the source of that energy is the divine. As all things exist of the same energy then all things are interconnected. Man must grow to realize that man is connected to everything else, material or immaterial. Man must learn to appreciate this connection and know that at its source lays his creator. In all things exist energy be it the lifeless stone, to the living giants, to the invisible forces that maintain existence to the dust that is our world. For the atoms that make matter are separate within voids and grow ever smaller, the sub atomic level is pure energy and its source must have a master divine. The wise man who knows that all has energy can sense energy and know the state of his world, and the balance, to the blind man who knows not of truth, such concepts are foreign and strange. However as it is true that energy maintains our universe, it too maintains another, for just as there is day, there is the night, the physical world is the day, there exists as well an invisible world, a world of spirit and undiscovered energies, a world of the ethereal, this world must be the night side of our world. Within this realm lie unknown forces, these forces impact our world, though powerless to act upon mans reality, these entities effect the heart and minds of men, these entities like those of our world are entwined in the balance, there are some good and there are some evil. It is in the interest of man not to know of the night side of things, thus he is blinded of its presence, for unseen forces may cause threat and are not to be trusted. The beings of the night side have no place in the world of man, such entities can tend to be misleading and deceitful, it is important that those who act with the forces of the unseen know themselves, their choices, and consequences of their actions and that to open the door to the night side of things allows both good and evil into their lives and they must be strong. Man is not prone to know of the spiritual for man is weak and easily manipulated. Man must judge a spirit by its actions, cautiously accept a positive entity, yet cast out and beware the negative. The creator separated the two by a veil for the night side is home to demons and angels, spirits and entities, the dead and unborn, and all other matter of ethereal beings. The day side, mans reality is separate so that man may live unthreatened, to learn, to grow wise, to reason, to search to learn, to quest for understanding. Man can only be influenced by the forces of spirit if man first opens a door, through his thoughts, actions, emotions, or error. Ask no entity for aid without knowledge that there may be a price, trust rather in your creator and his son, pray and seek first them for aid. Know this man, that negative forces serve the adversary of man, and that they will do all to disrupt your balance, be strong of heart and soul and humble in your acts, laugh off attacks, trust in your creator and his son, be strong. "God exists in all of us, energy is all around us, feel your world, be weary the dead," Scroll Eight Words for Man Know that all creation exists in balance and harmony, and that there are forces which wish to disrupt the balance. The balance is taught in mans works of Taoism, in which a Yin yang represents the balance between positive and negative forces. Know that your existence lies at the center of this balance. Know that Buddhism taught against the need for excessive material possessions as they lead to pain, know as well that it taught compassion for existence and the search for enlightenment through mans creator. Know then, that excessive material pride, and material greed, will only distract you from knowing your creator and his purpose for you. The Egyptians of mans history once taught that in death, mans heart would be weighed with the weight of a feather, and should it be heavier, his soul would be destroyed. Know well man, that therein lays a lesson, do not hold a heavy heart, keep it light with love and sympathy, lest your soul be destroyed. Be strong against life's struggles and act in kindness even under the harshest of circumstances, know no bitterness, but rather humility. Man must realize that as there are forces that wish the disruption of balance, there will always be invisible forces on the prowl to cause hurt and pain, man must know that these attacks are temporary and that in love man serves a power greater then any attack. Man must persevere with faith, and not give in to rage or sorrow, man must keep his heart and soul high even in the lowest of circumstances and know that his creator gave a son to guide man through such trials. Man must ask always the word why, and question all things, man must continuously seek knowledge, for those who do not master wisdom will be controlled by those who have. Knowledge is power, never give into assumption, always learn, trust not one source instead know all equations. Forget being taught and concentrate on learning. Man should not trust the judgment of a majority, for a majority is often biased towards its own way and gives itself to conformity, rather man must know that it is true, that there is power in numbers, however man must know also, that he as an individual has strength and power and that man must seek his own answers, and know truth. Man must value his and others individuality and let no other take such away. The wise man respects diversity, and is not ruled by petty differences, that which is unknown or strange should be learned and recognized, not feared or disdained. Man must believe in individuality, know not to judge, and to allow each man each his own way, lest it harm another. Lastly man must protect his creators creation, Man, take time and see man from another creatures perspective, empathize with creation. See the importance of Loving all things in nature and protect such within reason. Know that man must live a life of fulfillment, of wisdom, adventure, of freedom, and most important of all love. Man must live in balance and harmony with nature, loving all things alongside his brother, man must know respect for all things, understanding of his world and self, empathy, sympathy, love and peace. Man must find beauty in all things. To man, I say this, you live, it is a gift, do not waste such, be forever growing to your potential. "Seek the Beauty in all things, respect diversity, show peace and love, be yourself, respect yourself" Scroll Nine Words for Mans Soul Man must know that his material being is important and to be respected, however man must take equal to greater care of his soul, for the immortal far outlasts the temporal. Man must know that wrong taints the spirit, and right heals the spirit, man must know that powerful forces battle for his soul and have done so since time began, man must know also, the importance of faith and prayer, and be sure that he is always vigilant that his soul is strong and righteous, not tainted with darkness. Man must know the importance and value of his soul, his spirit, his being, and man too must give thanks to his creator for such a gift. Man must strive to protect his soul from negative forces, be strong against what is wrong so as not to become that which is abhorrent. Man must take heed of what he ingests, physically as well as mentally, so as not to taint his form and spirit. Man must know the importance of faith, and that powers exist beyond material comprehension which can give strength and heal illness, man must know the power of prayer to change lives and to change fates, likewise man must know that prayer requires action as well, for a spoiled child does not grow, and those who help themselves and seek truth are aided by the unseen, whereas those who do not stand strong are destined to fall. Man must know the power of music, that a song which is righteous can fuel the heart and spirit, give strength and vitality, health and well being, whereas a song that is hurtful can cause rage and illness, like all creation music is an energy and it is neutral, when charged negatively, it will cause negative outcomes, when charged positively, it can cause positive outcomes. Man would do well to learn of the positive outcomes of music on the body and mind. Man too should know the potential of art, which like music can heal or harm the body and soul, for imagery breeds inspiration. Man must know himself and who he is, man must know his past and his present, man must understand that which is around him and that which is to come, man must know that he has lived a fulfilled life and not fear death, for he has done well in life. The man who fears death must question why, and strive to change his life, for he knows he has done wrong. Man must seek the truth in all things, and seek his creator for the truth in all things, man must see the meaning in all acts and the meaning in all things, learn to seek similarities and not separations, and like a humble child always be in a state of progressive spiritual growth. Lastly, and most importantly, man must know the creators son, the prophesized son known as the Christ, he who shed blood and suffered sacrifice so that man in all his flaws, may yet live in death if they accept their flaws, and request in his name redemption. The sons name is Yeshua, Jesus, the son of mans creator, the one true God, the light, the love. For all who deny redemption, deny they're flaws, are not humble, and are of a darkened heart. Those who are humble, know they are flawed, and ask the son to cleanse them, and they are welcomed to his light and are forgiven, so long as they try to live in his way and live in love with their brother. Man must know, that without redemption, sacrifice is in vain, and that with impurity comes unrighteousness. Man, pray always in the name of the son, know peace, know strength, be humble, love your brother, know your creator, know his son, and know yourself. Live long, seek truth, become wise, have empathy, and act always in love. "There is power within the arts, music heals the soul, seek the truth in all things, seek Christ's redemption," Scroll Ten Ouroboros: Seek the Past to Know the Future Since the beginning man has questioned how the world will end and the creators plan. The Celtics taught that life was a loop ever repeating, in which gods fought died and where reborn, so to did Buddha teach that man repeats life until his lessons are learned, so to did historians teach that history repeats as man ceases to learn from the past. Know this then man, that there are parallels, that man proclaims himself god and fights his brother till the world is torn asunder, and through the creator reborn anew only for man to repeat his folly, for as the creator destroyed the first world through powerful floods as punishment for mans great crimes against his brother and balance, man shall see as well his new world fall in like manner. Man must seek his own past to understand what was written above, for man was once great and arrogant, and man once stood where we now stand, but man has forgotten, he knows not his past. For the proven floods of Noah which ruined the unrighteous of the first world have buried mans true past beneath the waves, beneath lakes and under stone. The truth was lost to man, buried under mountains of waves, mud and stone, the ruins of mans past where to be forever lost to history and forgotten as the world was made pure. Take heed the laughable myths of Atlantis, The Rama empire, and Lemuria, for they were once real and like us, their cities were great, their science strong, like us they had explosives and flight, like us they had empires. Do not believe these truths? Seek wisdom of the word "Vimana", seek as well knowledge of ancient flight, and what happened when man turned their weapons against man and the world was torn asunder, for despite mans great wisdom and science, they failed to know love. The creator saw their rebellion and purified his creation through great floods, and storms, though laughable, the proof is there to those who seek it, as testament Noah was real. The true past has been found, off the shores of Okinawa Japan, off the shores of Bermuda and Cuba, near the shores of Bimmi, and upon the canary islands. The island of Theta, the sphinx and ruins of Egypt, on the walls of temples, sunken beneath lake Lochness, beneath sacred lake Titicaca, as well buried in mountains and bogs. The importance of what I am telling you is this, in the Celtic Ragnarök those known as gods did battle and the earth was destroyed, then replenished. Until man learns to live in harmony with the balance, the creator and his son will give judgment, and mans world will be destroyed through apocalypse and history shall be repeat. Man must seek to know his own past, do not believe what is written here, or what historians may say, for they are biased by the need for order, Man is prideful and must say he is the first, man will deny a past that portrays an equal. Do not believe what you've read, rather seek the truth and know that it is true, know mans past, and what lies ahead if man does not change. The creator is patient but man must still learn or repeat his lessons, the adversary of man will do all possible to keep man from the truth. The savior of man is Jesus, but first man must save himself. End the pattern and know peace and heaven, less you be destroyed with the "gods" and their world. The righteous and the loving will know peace in heaven, the wrongful and hateful will know judgment, wish not such judgment on your brother, live a good life and share your wisdom, the son will guide you, be strong. "History repeats itself, know your true past, seek the truth rather then be taught, live only in love"
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